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Agency Membership


You can check if your firm is already a member in our directory here

The PR Council (PRC) provides business intelligence, best practices, networking and learning & development programs to help agency leaders make better decisions and fuel their agencies with highly skilled and diverse talent.

In order to fully benefit from PRC Membership, applicants must have a minimum of $1 million in annual revenue. Membership is not extended to individual practitioners at this time.

Membership applications are confidential and reviewed only by the PRC’s Eligibility Committee. 

All fields are required.


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This page provides an overview of the questions you will be required to answer during the application process. Please review them to prepare your responses.

General & Business Information

  • Name
  • Agency Name
  • Principal/CEO
  • Firm liaison to the PRC (if not CEO)
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Postal/Zip Code
  • Website
  • Email
  • Please provide the name of firm ownership and contact information (if different from the applicant firm itself).
  • Describe nature of the relationship and verify that the applicant firm is in compliance with the membership guidelines
  • In the interest of objectivity, if the firm owns an interest in a medium or supplier, or where a medium or supplier owns an interest in the firm, please disclose this information here.
  • What was your firm’s U.S. revenue for 2024? Internal use only; information will be kept confidential.

Business Plans

  • Does your firm have a regular business planning process which includes defining goals and objectives? If yes, briefly describe the process and how the firm performance is viewed against planned goals and objectives.

Client Services

  • Please provide links to two recent cases.
  • Please provide contact information for two current clients as references (name, telephone number, and email address). You will be notified in advance if clients are going to be called.

Standard of Practice

  • Agreement to operate your firm in accordance with PR Council Code of Ethics & Standards.

Certification of Accuracy and Acceptance

  • Name of Firm
  • Name of Firm’s CFO, Financial Manager or CPA
  • Phone Number
  • Date