The PRC compiles Member vetted resources. Please feel free to contact us for more detail or an introduction.


Bizlibrary is a provider of online learning for growing organizations. They contain a video library for a range of business and management courses and basic tech courses.


Coursera for Business

The popular online learning platform crafted an enterprise-edition for workforce development. The service enables employers to provide their employees with access to curated learning programs. They carry over 3,800 courses and have a client for tracking learner progress, completions and feedback.

Pricing: For teams and smaller organizations the price is $400 per user per year. Larger organizations must request a demo.


LinkedIn Learning for Business

LinkedIn’s online learning program that provides over 15,00 courses with a data driven Admin panel that encourages a social learning experience for teams. The platform also includes all the courses that were previously hosted in

Suggested by: Ann Cannon, Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock; Bobbi Gochman, Bliss Integrated, suggested which was absorbed by LinkedIn Learning.


SAP Litmos

SAP Litmos is an e-learning platform for customer-focused enterprises. They provide a learning management platform for corporate training and allow users to maintain L&D programs by automating tasks from course creation to assignments to tracking and more.

Pricing: Varies by the number of users. Pricing must be requested for 1,000 – 1M users.
Referred by: Kate Threewitts, G&S Business Communications



Udemy is an online global marketplace for teaching and learning. Its corporate extension “Udemy for Business” provides a wide range of courses in PR, digital comms, digital management and more. Enrollees gain access to 3500+ courses and their admins maintain a wide degree of customization options for the course administrator.

Pricing: For a team of 5 – 20 users, the cost is $250 per user, per year. For a team of 21 or more users, sales must be contacted for pricing.
Referred by: Ann Cole, Porter Novelli


Woman in PR – Public Relations Foundations Program

This is an organization dedicated to uplifting businesswomen in the field of public relations. They partner with businesses across the Americas to promote opportunities for women to learn and share resources in a supportive community. This includes their collaborative learning environments and portfolio building courses.

Pricing: Featured courses range from $10 to $297.
Referred by: Bobbi Gochman, Bliss Integrated


Workplace Academy

Workplace Academy is an organization that provides sexual harassment prevention and Anti-Discrimination Training.

Pricing: 25 employees ($500 yr.), 50 employees ($1000 yr.), 100 employees ($2000 yr.),

250 employees ($4,000 yr.), 500 employees ($7,500 yr.), 1,000 employees ($12,000 yr.) and over 1,000 employees will require custom pricing.
Referred by: Allyns Melendez, Quinn PR (Cannot vouch for the service but met with the creator and is happy to make the introduction.)