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Join us on Thursday, February 8th at 12 p.m. ET, where we’ll be launching our updated Guidelines for Generative AI Tools, a comprehensive framework for agencies aiming to integrate AI into their strategies responsibly and effectively. This session, led by our Ethics and Standards task force co-leads Anne Green, CEO, G&S Business Communications, and Mark McClennan, General Manager, C+C, will cover some of the latest advancements in AI technology, the use cases and implications across our industry and how to leverage AI for innovation while mitigating risks. Our materials include a generative AI continuum for PR agencies with anticipated shifts in each stage, AI bias considerations and a toolkit for PR professionals on areas such as client information, disclosure and value creation.

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Anne GreenAnne Green is the CEO of G&S Business Communications as well as co-chair of the PR Council’s Ethics and Standards task force.



Mark McClennanMark McClennan is the General Manager of C+C and creator of the podcast and blog Ethical Voices.

Event Details
Feb. 08, 2024
12:00PM - 12:45PM